

Schema: Profile including the site-configuration objects that will be pushed to sites. Schemas are the containers for single or multiple templates that are used for defining the policies.

Templates: are the framework for defining and deploying the policies to the sites. Child of a schema, a template contains configuration-objects that are shared between sites or site-specific.

  • Template = APIC policy definition (App & Network)
  • Template is the scope/granularity of the policies that can be pushed to one (or more) sites
  • Schema = container of Templates sharing a common use-case
  • Scope of change: policies in different templates can be pushed to separate sites at different times

Step 1 - Login to NDO

Click on the ICON on the left to connect to Nexus Dashboard server.

Using the Credentials dropdown that is part of your lab guide, click and launch the link to the MSO controller. At the login screen, login with the information below:

  1. Username: acilabpod03
  2. Password: C1sc012345!

Step 2 - Navigate to Schemas

To start creating Schemas for extending ACI policy across data centers, hover over the navigation bar on the far left:

  1. Click on Application Management
  2. Click Schemas

Step 3 - Create New Schema

On the Schemas view:

  1. Click Add Schema
  2. For Name enter: msite_p03_schema
  3. Click Add

Step 4 - Create Template

Each Schema has a name. You simply set this name by typing in the Schema name type-field:

  1. Click on the Add New Template to create the new template
  2. Select ACI Multi-cloud
  3. Click Add
  4. On the right side of your screen, under Template Settings, set the Display Name to: msite_p03_template
  5. Select the Tenant at the bottom: msite_p03_tenant
  6. Click Save